miércoles, 9 de junio de 2021


Last week you detected different problems in daily life and you thought of different solutions for them. That was PHASE 1 of our project.

Today we start phase 2!!!

Phase 2:  Your prototype
What you have to do is to choose one of your ideas and design a prototype.
It has to be available, maybe you can’t make it because you need materials or technology to do it. But it has to be something you think it can be built.
So it’s time to choose one of your ideas, the one you like the most. Then paint or make a model of your prototype (choose the best way for you), explain briefly how it works.

Here you have my example:
Phase 1: Detect difficulties/problems and think of possible solutions
I choose the first problem I wrote last day. And I choose the first solution I thought of.
Many times the soup is very hot and they burn their tongue.
- Something to cool the soup.
- Something to avoid soup be too hot

Phase 2:  Your prototype
And here is my prototype 

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